We Want YOU Back!

Expired Assessors who previously completed the Sim training and testing and were activated (or were still active) after August 1st, 2017 are eligible to take the Modified Refresher to reactivate their status. These individuals must be vetted by ID Energy to ensure they have an interest in re-activating, and listed with their current email address and Assessor ID. This concession is limited in scope to expired Assessors and candidates from the ASHI, INSDP, and ITNC Home Energy Score programs. The enrollment period is limited and ends on April 15th, 2020.
1. Request to be re-enrolled in training to become a Home Energy Score Certified Assessor.
Reply to this email or email [email protected] and say
2. I.D. Energy will re-enroll you with the DOE. You will gain access to a SPECIAL updated and Modified SIM training. By Modified, this means you will need to complete 3 challenge houses but you will NOT need to complete the Test House or Written Test!
3. Once you passed the SIM, Score a home and get mentored through I.D. Energy’s award winning Virtual Mentorship program!
4. YOU WILL BE A Home Energy Score CERTIFIED Assessor!
COST = $0
Questions? Please email [email protected]